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The Recruitment Co | Carbon Redu

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Carbon Reduction PlanCommitment to achieving Net ZeroThe UK Recruitment Co Ltd. is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3) by 2050.We also have an aspiration to be net zero on scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2035. We hope this will bringsignificant benefits and positive change to us, our customers and the wider community.Baseline emission figures are provided from 2023, and we have set clear targets for reducing ourgreenhouse gas which align with Greening Government Commitments.Our leadership team fully commits to engaging with our internal colleagues, customers, suppliers andstakeholders to ensure a positive impact within the timeframes we have set. Our targets will be achievedby encouraging behavioural change but also logistical and physical changes to our environments, both ofwhich we are fully committed to.This Carbon Reduction Plan complies with PPN 06/21.Baseline Emissions FootprintBaseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and wereproduced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are thereference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.Baseline Year: 2022/2023Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations.The UK Recruitment Co Ltd. has included the following emissions within its calculations:ScopeType of EmissionBasis of EstimationCarbon ConversionScope 1Lease Car FleetReported Mileage in ExpensesSystem971Scope 2Managed Property (gas/ electric)Energy bills (kWh)268Scope 3Business Travel (taxi, rail,air)Supplier Net Zero Credentials23Hotel StaysSupplier Net Zero Credentials5Colleague commutesSupplier Net Zero CredentialsTo be determined

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Paper usageSupplier Net Zero CredentialsTo be determinedWaste managementSupplier Net Zero CredentialsTo be determinedThe following elements of Scope 3 are not currently reported within the CRP but are on the developmentplan for inclusion in 2024 and onward reporting:● Colleague commutes● Paper Usage● Waste managementThe Recruitment Co do not have any upstream/downstream transportation and distribution activities andtherefore this has been excluded.Baseline Year Emissions: 2022/2023EmissionsTOTAL (tCO2e)Scope 1971Scope 2268Scope 328Total Emissions1,269Current Emissions Reporting:The Recruitment Co are publishing the Carbon Reduction Plan for the first time and therefore currentemission figures remain the same in comparisonto baseline figuresEmissionsTOTAL (tCO2e)Scope 1971Scope 2268Scope 328Total Emissions1,269

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Emissions Reduction TargetsIn order to achieve Net Zero, we have adopted the following carbon reduction targets.We project that carbon emissions will decrease over the next 11 years to 2035 to 253 tCO2e. This is areduction of approximately 80% from the 2022/23 baseline. This consists of an aspiration of net zero inScope 1 and 2 emissions, and minimising Scope 3. Progress against these targets can be seen in the graphbelow.Carbon Reduction ProjectsCompleted Carbon Reduction Initiatives:The following environmental management measures and projects have been completed or implementedsince the 2022/23 baseline.Whilst we believe the following measures have led to a reduction in our overall carbon emissions, we are asyet unable to quantify the extent of the reduction until the next reporting year data is gathered andreported.As a multi-site organisation employing around 160 colleagues with a temporary workforce of up to 8,000 inany given week, The UK Recruitment Co Ltd are committed to minimising and mitigating their impact onthe environment through sustainable development.

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Overall the organisation are focusing on these key areas:Reducing Air Pollution● We encourage use of virtual meeting solutions to prevent unnecessary travel● We have introduced a hybrid working option to our colleagues which will contribute to reducingemissions due to reduced commutes● Where travel is required, colleagues are urged to adopt the most sustainable method of travel● The UK Recruitment Co Ltd have changed its lease car fleet provider to one that provides greenfleet options (electric and hybrid) to reduce its Scope 1 emissions● We encourage cycling and car-sharing● We are engaging with a Travel supplier with parallel aspirations for reaching net zeroReducing Waste● The UK Recruitment Co have adopted a ‘paper-free’ registration process, significantly reducingpaper usage within our locations● The UK Recruitment Co Ltd will continue to educate their colleagues to increase awareness ofpollution, and plan to expand the drive into areas such as removing single use plastics andreplacing them with environmentally friendly alternatives.● Procurement procedures will be reviewed to ensure engagement with carbon neutral vendors● The UK Recruitment Co will commit to rolling out a full recycle programme within our locationsAssessing the Impact on Climate Change● The UK Recruitment Co will review their property portfolio to establish if reduction can be made,therefore reduction square footage and energy emissions.● The UK Recruitment Co will aim to move to a green energy tariff within all of our directly managedpropertiesOnce The UK Recruitment Co Ltd has done everything within its ability to be carbon neutral, it will look toengage in carbon offsetting for the remainder of its Carbon footprint and will incorporate this within itsplanning by 2035.In the future we hope to implement further measures such as:● Influencing landlords – to move to green energy supply● Better reporting across suppliers that contribute to Scope 3 emissions● Specific projects to reduce Scope 3 emissions with suppliers, either through re-procurement orredesign of the service specifications for supplies

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Declaration and Sign OffThis Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidanceand reporting standards for Carbon Reduction Plans.Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard forCarbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard7 and uses the appropriateGovernment emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reportingScope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and therequired subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reportingstandard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) StandardThis Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalentmanagement body).